Monday, 17 September 2007

And we keep driving into the night, it's a late goodbye...

So, is there anything new in my life? Nope, it's the same old boring damn life. Backpacking at China with "little Wong's all grown up" and Grace sounds fun but then comes the obstacle of money. Being given 50 bucks per month to survive is okay to me, but when you want to do something big or spend the money going out, it's harsh. And I couldn't work because my mom forbids me to (and I want my Saturdays to be free).

So, Pangkor again? I don't mind completing a hat trick of being there for 3 years in a row.

Here's to Arsenal losing to Derby County 6-0 this Saturday and Manchester United's and Chelsea's players breaking each other's limbs. And Liverpool beating Birmingham City at Anfield.


Andrew C. said...

worse come to worse, pangkor! >.< I could still remember the freedom we enjoyed during pangkor. That was the BEST vacation so far in my lifetime. Completely isolated from parents! dream come true!

Jin said...

Haha, yeah. I don't mind going to Pangkor again.

Spongy_And_Bean_Fan said...

Yea Pangkor sounds good! But I doubt that the backpacking one is goina work for me..too sketchy.