Wednesday, 12 September 2007

8 qualifications to enter Jin's girlfriend candidates list

1) You need to look like this and have this kind of assets:

Leah Dizon. Super "insert chun words here" girl.

She's your sister's age, Grace. A model/Jpop singer. Has a French-American mother and Chinese-Filipino father.

2) You need to rock. Rock like OLIVIA.

Look, she's floating.

3) Loves nature.

4) Loves music/movies/etc.

5) Has a license to kill to protect me from any wannabe assassins (basically, she can kick ass).

6) Smart (boleh masak, cari duit, etc).

7) Mysterious (y'know, like one day she comes up to me and says "I'm actually a secret sex agent. My name is Porn. Jane Porn.").

8) A GIRL GAMER!!! So I don't have to play single-player games all the time at home and there's actually a challenge for me to look forward to.

Can't post much on weekdays because mom is always around. The only time I'm free of her and my dad is on Saturdays cause they're usually out.


Spongy_And_Bean_Fan said...

Not bad...not a bad taste at all... hehe

Jin said...

Of course lah... Not easy to enter my fanclub.

Spongy_And_Bean_Fan said...

Wtf!?...hahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahaha. Tats all i can say man...:)

Jin said...

Heh. Leah Dizon <3

Anonymous said...

exotic species... hmm.. *observes*

Jin said...

You mean girls?

Nikki said...

i've got no comments weii..u should make tht as a tag..i wanna see others do it..damn funny..

Jin said...

Actually it IS a tag from Chong but I just didn't mention it. Why don't you do it yourself? :P